két kuvik: egy biogazdaság formálódása a kezdetektől

Hírek, aktualitások
Két Kuvik: Formálódás a kezdetektől
Szántóföldi növénytermesztés
Vegyes gyümölcsös
Burgonya- és zöldségtermesztés
Ötletek, tippek, tapasztalatok


You may come from our neighbourhood, a European country or from an other continent, it does not matter. The most important thing is to protect our planet, our common home. There are many-many methods how we can solve environmental problems, one way is ecologic (organic) farming.

Agriculture is not only about driving up and down with huge, fuel-consuming machines. We do use such equipments, but for us this job is about being out there in sunshine, in wind, in gentle rain or thunder (the latter is not so good...), listening to the birds of the neighbouring valley, breathing fresh air, working with hands and simple tools. For us, THIS is agriculture.

We are from Hungary, a country that has been famous for its agriculture for centuries. We are young agriculture specialists, environmentalists, nature protectors and birdwatchers who had and has chance and possibility to do all these four things at one time: we work in our own ecologic farm. The name 'Két Kuvik' means 'two Little Owls', which is not bird of ill omen at all but a nice and cute bird species.

A little orchard and three arable fields: this is the part of Earth (~55 ha) that we can save from fertilizers, chemicals; where we can protect ladybirds, bees, sparrows and falcons. We produce a good sort of crops (cereals, alfalfa, corn, potato, vegetables), the mixed, various structure of the arable field is an important element of saving animals. Apart from production, we work for birds by fixing nestboxes at suitable trees, feed songbirds in winter and constantly observe them.

Thank you for clicking on our website. We created the site to enhance our success in selling products in Hungary. However, it is important to speak about the importance of ecologic farming again and again. City dwellers have the possibility to buy in bio markets or 'green corners' of supermarkets, while people at the country can produce the goods on their own. Please, think about these things. You can do a lot in your homeland: buy ecologic products in shops and directly from eco-farmers, do not use chemicals in your own garden. Help us, ecofarmers in our peaceful struggle of saving nature.

If you would like to write us a few words about you, your country or anything else,  you can do that. Click here! We speak English and German.

Adrienn and Gergely from Hungary 

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